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Spedire il tuo pacco in modo semplice e sicuro

Affidati a noi per una spedizione senza complicazioni. Ti offriamo assistenza completa, tracciamento in tempo reale e la collaborazione con i migliori corrieri espressi per garantire rapidità e sicurezza.



Il nostro team ti supporta in ogni fase, dalla raccolta alla consegna, garantendo un’esperienza di spedizione senza complicazioni e risolvendo ogni dubbio.



Tieni sempre sotto controllo i tuoi pacchi con il nostro servizio di tracciamento in tempo reale, che ti consente di sapere dove si trova la spedizione.



Collaboriamo con i migliori corrieri sul mercato, come DHL, BRT, UPS e TNT, per offrirti un servizio rapido, affidabile e sicuro.



Spedire pacchi online

Grazie a collaborazioni di lunga data con i migliori corrieri espresso potrai sempre scegliere il servizio di spedizione pacchi online su misura, godendo di piena assistenza dalla partenza all’arrivo dei pacchi.



Effettuiamo spedizioni rapide e sicure in tutto il territorio italiano, garantendo la consegna puntuale dei tuoi pacchi, indipendentemente dalla loro forma e dimensione.



Spedisci i tuoi pacchi in tutto il mondo con la nostra rete internazionale di corrieri affidabili. Offriamo tracciamento e tempi di consegna affidabili.



Gestiamo pacchi di qualsiasi dimensione, garantendo la stessa attenzione e cura per ogni spedizione, piccola o grande che sia.



Offriamo il ritiro del pacco direttamente a casa tua, semplificando il processo di spedizione e risparmiandoti tempo prezioso.



Utilizza la nostra pratica calcolatrice per sapere all’istante i costi e i tempi di consegna, senza sorprese.



Proteggi i tuoi pacchi con il nostro servizio di assicurazione, che copre possibili danni o smarrimenti durante il trasporto.



Se gestisci un business con necessità di spedizioni regolari, ti offriamo una consulenza su misura e piani dedicati per ottimizzare le tue spedizioni, con tariffe competitive e assistenza continuativa.



Con la nostra esperienza, rendiamo semplice e rapido il processo di compilazione dei documenti doganali, evitando ritardi dovuti a moduli non idonei o incompleti.

Soluzioni di spedizione per aziende

Offriamo servizi di spedizione business per aziende, sia per pacchi nazionali che internazionali.

Assistenza doganale completa

Ti supportiamo nella documentazione e risolviamo eventuali blocchi doganali.

Spedizioni di grandi dimensioni

Soluzioni su misura per pacchi voluminosi o traslochi.

Business consulting

Ricevi un piano personalizzato con tariffe vantaggiose e assistenza continua.

Supporto 24/7

Assistenza telefonica, chat e WhatsApp disponibile H24, anche per il post-vendita.

Migliori prezzi per spedire online offre prezzi imbattibili grazie ai grandi volumi di spedizioni pacchi gestiti. Con il nostra calcolatore di prezzi, confronta le tariffe dei diversi corrieri espressi e seleziona quella che meglio si adatta alle tue esigenze. Questo confronto non comporta alcun impegno.

► Tariffe vantaggiose per pacchi voluminosi e traslochi.

► Partnership con i migliori corrieri nazionali ed internazionali.

► Servizio trasparente e rapido.

► Assistenza doganale e supporto continuo.

► Risparmio rispetto alle tariffe standard dei corrieri.

► Scegli il Corriere più Adatto al Tuo Budget.

Migliori prezzi per spedire online

Spedisci in modo semplice e sicuro

Affida i tuoi pacchi a Spedizione Comoda e scopri un servizio veloce, trasparente e su misura per le tue esigenze. Non aspettare, approfitta delle nostre tariffe competitive e assistenza continua!


Ecco come fare una spedizione online con noi

Making an online shipment with us is super easy: just follow our guides on how to pack a package and how to ship a parcel to prepare everything you need. When you purchase our services, the courier will come to your home or office to pick up the packages and ship them to their final destination.

Passo 1

Misura il pacco

Controlla le dimensioni e il peso del pacco per assicurare una tariffa accurata.

Passo 2

Inserisci i dettagli della spedizione

Fornisci città di partenza e destinazione, insieme alle dimensioni del pacco.

Passo 3

Completa i dati di chi spedisce

Inserisci le informazioni del mittente e dell’indirizzo di consegna.

Passo 4

Paga in modo sicuro

Scegli il metodo di pagamento preferito e conferma l’ordine.

Nostri valori

I nostri valori sono il fondamento del nostro servizio. In Spedizione Comoda, crediamo nell’integrità, la qualità e l’affidabilità come pilastri per offrire un’esperienza di spedizione sicura, trasparente e orientata al cliente.



spedizione online di oacchi
our loved
fellow citizens
for more than
To date, more than 500 thousand
parcels shipped in the world.

Answers to frequently asked questions about Online Parcel Shipping

With you ship parcels to Italy and abroad at affordable rates and with fast and efficient service, thanks to our collaboration with the best express couriers.

With us, you can send gifts to your loved ones for all occasions, or pack all your things and ship them to your new home, at the most affordable price that includes home pickup of the package, always available shipment tracking, and spedireweb support service always available to help you in case of any unforeseen issue.

Reviews from our customers are excellent, showing the efficiency of our service and the attention we put into offering the best possible experience to those who choose to ship their goods with us.

Choose the courier that best suits your needs. You need:

  • An express delivery for fragile parcels?
  • Discover a competitive shipping options without compromising with the quality of the service?
  • ship through the web a package, document or a pallet?

Fill in the details in the estimate calculator form and create your quote instantly. Then just choose the express courier that offers the most convenient solution for you. All is going to be done online and in real time!

Con noi troverai la soluzione ideale! All’interno del nostro sito web troverai informazioni dettagliate per aiutarti a gestire la tua spedizione. Qui trovi assistenza, costi di spedizione e restrizioni del servizio per merci che non si possono spedire. Pensando a te, abbiamo una pagina dedicata alle informazioni su come imballare un pacco. Oltre a fornire informazioni sulle merci la cui spedizione è proibita, ci sono altre informazioni per spedire un pacco in sicurezza.

Nella schermata qui in alto, inserisci le informazioni della tua spedizione pacchi. Per ricevere un preventivo, è necessario avere disponibili le seguenti info:

  1. The city or postcode of departure;
  2. The country of destination;
  3. If you are shipping a package or Pallet;
  4. Its weight;
  5. Its dimensions (Height, Width and Depth);
  6. Click on Calculate your Shipping cost;

The following screen will return the shipping options, with their couriers, delivery times and costs.

It is to be reminded that the total cost of a shipment takes into account the location to be reached, how long it will take (air service vs truck) and the size and weight of the package to be sent.

The Express Couriers of SpedizioneComoda reach from Italy almost all over the world.

To find out if your destination is covered by the service, in the quote creation form at the top of the homepage click on "Destination", then type in the country where you'd like to ship and make sure it appears in the list of destinations served.

Image faq 1

Payment for your shipping can be conveniently made online. The last step of your online order refers to payment.

The payment options offered to SpedizioneComoda are 3:

  1. Credit Card, available online on the payment page;
  2. PayPal, also online;
  3. Bank transfer, by previous agreement and offline;

The shipping service is considered ordered as soon as the payment is made successfully.

The pick-up reservation, be it a private residence or office, can be requested during the online purchase.

After choosing the most suitable service for your needs and providing the sender and receiver info, the following screen will ask for the day and time slot in which the courier can come to collect the package.

Image faq 2

Except other way stated, the parcel pick up is always included in the price.

Alternatively, it is also possible to personally deliver the package to one of the collection centers of the chosen express courier. We will be happy to indicate the nearest address upon request. This option is convenient for those who do not want to wait for the courier in a pre arranged time slot.

The approximate delivery times for the parcel shipment are clearly shown on the quotation screen.

The travel time depends on various factors:

  • The location to reach, the more remote it is, the more transit time it will take;
  • The chosen service, whether air or truck;
  • The period of the year in which the shipping takes place: holiday periods create peaks that usually delay couriers;
  • If there are adverse weather conditions;
  • Finally, if there are trade union strikes that could influence the normal operations of a given express courier;

Given same weight and destination, what distinguishes one service from another and therefore the relative cost are the delivery times.

Once the online order is confirmed, you will receive the waybill in pdf at the email you indicated.

This must be printed and glued properly to the package.

Without the waybill the courier will not be able to take the package in charge.

For the reasons explained above, the answer to the question is yes, it is necessary to have access to a printer to be able to print out the waybill and attach it to the package to be sent.

Payment can be fully done online by credit card or using a PayPal account.

If preferred, by prior arrangement, it is possible to use a bank transfer to pay for the parcel shipment.

Successful payment is an essential condition for the service to take place.

No. At the package always departs from Italy. We ship from Italy all over the world, not vice versa.

This declaration reports to the customs authorities information on the origin of the goods being shipped, if those goods are destined to specific countries and if it contravenes international rules and embargoes.

The free export declaration, along with the proforma invoice, are necessary documents for the shipment of parcels from Italy to non-EU countries.

At spedizionecomoda you will find an entire article detailing these documents and a step-by-step complete filling in guide. Our assistants are also available for any clarifications.

As soon as the online shipment has been successfully paid, you will receive a confirmation email with the waybill attached.

We suggest checking the data shown on this file and contacting us in case of errors, in particular check the pick-up and delivery address along with the receiver's contact info.

For those shipments that go outside Europe, it is necessary to complete the free export declaration and have an invoice, be it commercial or proforma.

For these non-EU shipments, a second email will be sent with the two documents above attached. They need to be filled in and printed in three copies with the waybill. These documents in fact must be delivered to the courier who will collect the goods and travel with the package.

A copy must be attached to the package, a copy delivered by hand to the courier and the third to keep with you for any further requests by the courier or customs.

To better serve you, here at Spedizione Comoda we use 3 couriers, the most reliable:

  • FedEx - TNT for the national service;
  • UPS and the leading German courier for international shipments;

Look at the colors on the quotation page and distinguish the courier that will be used for the service mentioned there. If in doubt, or if you want to use a specific courier, please ask for it by contacting us.

The answer is yes. These are not our locations, but rather shops of the couriers we use.

So, once you have selected the most convenient service for you, you can request the nearest express courier drop off point where to leave the package for delivery.

The days where the service is available are weekdays, from Monday to Friday, during office hours.

There are no collections and deliveries on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

After purchasing the shipment online and booking the collection, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail with the waybill to be affixed to the package attached.

On this waybill there is an alphanumeric code, also known as the tracking number..

This, inserted in the search bar on the website of the courier with which the package is sent, will allow you to check the progress of the shipment and its delivery in real time.

You can correct shipping data by contacting our customer service. We are available online with our chat and contact form. Alternatively you can write or call us at tel:+393889975157

No, with the local collection of the package by the express courier is included in the price, along with all the other services clearly listed.

To make sure your items do not get damaged in transit it is essential that the package is properly packed. To do so, you will need to ensure that the items are protected from the outside, that the box you choose is resistant and of the correct size, and that it is properly closed.

Yes, the operators at are always at your disposal to help you and provide any information is needed for your shipment. You can get in contact both via chat on our site, by telephone or WhatsApp, at the toll-free number spedireweb tel:+393889975157.